Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Love Don't Cost a Thing

In my opinion the movie Love Don't Cost a Thing is not the greatest example but the only one I could think of at the time. However this movie is about a high school loser (Nick Cannon) who pays a cheerleader (Christina Milian) to pose as his girlfriend so he can be considered cool. This film is a Remake of 1987' Can't Buy Me Love, starring Patrick Dempsey.

Furthermore, Alvin Johnson (Cannon) is an extremely intelligent nerd under consideration for a General Motors scholarship, as he is skilled in designing engines. However, he's always dreamed of hanging out with the popular kids, especially Paris Morgan (Milian), a beautiful, popular cheerleader dating NBA star Dru. When Paris crashes her mother's expensive SUV during an argument with Dru, Alvin agrees to repair the car in return for two weeks of dating. Alvin uses money he had saved for his project, jeopardizing his scholarship. After a few missteps, Alvin begins to integrate himself with the popular crowd. He and Paris grow closer as she shares with him her secret love of music, but Alvin misinterprets her feelings and stages a break-up at the end of two weeks. Alvin continues to grow in popularity, alienating his former nerd friends and dating Paris's friends. At the end of year Senior Skip Day, Dru returns, but leaves after he finds out Paris had been dating Alvin. In an attempt to get him back, Paris exposes her deal with Alvin to the whole school, returning him to mediocrity. Alvin's father (Harvey) agrees to pay for the part, explaining to Alvin that he'd supported his sudden transformation because he wanted him to have some of the same experiences he did in high school. At the basketball game, Alvin stands up for his nerd friends against the former jocks. As Paris follows him out, she is stopped by Dru, but she blows him off and the two become a couple.

In essence, the way this film relates to the ideas of imperialism. Is Alvin Johnson (Cannon) attempts to buy Paris Morgan (Milian) because she may have been the popular one in the situation but by crashing her mom's SUV she becomes the weak one and Alvin Johnson (Cannon)by the end of the film ends up taking over and becomes even stronger because of Paris Morgan (Milian).

P.S. It ended up blowing up in his own face because he gets to "big head" -arrogant about the power he had gained from the student body. WHich leaves me to ask this question. Do you think this is bound to happen to the United States of America???

The Equation of Construction ...

Risking your LIFE + Tropical diseases + Transporting 50 lb. boxes of dynamite on your head + hot and humid Climate= The Life of a [PA[iN]AM[A%@] Canal Construction worker

Jan. 1, 1889
First day of Work for me we had seven people who were fortunate not to make the full trip to Panama on our boatload. All died of natural causes, I guess. But when we got off the boat the white man gave us a look of disgust and then put us to work. We received no food or drink through out the whole day. They gave us 50 lb. box of Dynamite to carry up a slick hill of mud it being the hottest day of heat I ever witnessed. The white man say if you fall going up that the mud hill "you mine as well start eating that mud for dinner."

"Angry little Tweetin birdy." That seen it coming

If Queen Liliuokalani had a Twitter account,she would of most likely been one "Angry little Tweeting birdy".
Up early, Thinking up a Master Plan ... Time to step it up going in, to Handle some bussiness @ the Government Building && 'Iolani Palace.
1/14/1893 3:09AM

- On Jan. 14, the first of four crucial days in Hawai`i's history, the queen presided at noon over the legislative session's closing ceremonies at the Government Building. She then walked across the street to `Iolani Palace for a more significant ceremony. She was about to proclaim a new constitution which she had written, restoring power to the throne and rights to the Native Hawaiian people.

Up early again, I'm feeling a little Challenged today ... Hmm.
1/15/1893 3:09AM

-The next day, Jan. 15, Thurston told the queen's Cabinet that the Committee of Safety would challenge her.

Had a Dream that hundreds of Native Hawaiians @ Palace Square were "Kissing up to me." ?_? What does this mean?? Oh, yeah I'm a queen!!
1/16/1893 3:09AM

-On Jan. 16, several hundred Native Hawaiians and other royalists gathered peaceably at Palace Square in support of the queen, expressing loyalty to the monarchy, and carefully avoiding saying anything inflammatory.

OMG!! another Dream I hope this one doesn't come true!!!!=(.
1/17/1893 3:09AM

-On Jan. 17, 1893, at dusk, Queen Lili`uokalani yielded her throne under protest, with these words:

"I, Lili`uokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
"That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose Minister Plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the said Provisional Government.

"Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said forces, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands."

The queen surrendered Hawai`i's sovereignty not to the revolutionaries but to the "superior force of the United States of America" -- temporarily, she believed -- confident that the American government would restore her to the throne.

The Coup D'etat

Yes, the United States of America should be able to operate this organization and Train people -who are willing to practice the Coup D'etat.
For Several reasons:

-The United States is a Nation of Imperialism.

+Hawaii is perfect scenario of our Imperialism; we took it over and made it our 50th state on August 21, 1959.

-We have 68 army bases in 68 other Countries.

+Come on now who can with stand us? We have 68 ARMY BASES around the world from this -the S.O.A. Why would we come to a hault with the S.O.A; we've gain majority of these areas because of the S.O.A.! Nobody body wants to step up to the plate when it comes to the battle with America because WE are Global!!!

-We didn't build the School of America for Foreigners satisfaction.

+This sentences says it all. Furthermore when I was exploring the anti-S.O.A website most of the images and supporters, seem to be Non-American descent; that seem to be more concerned about their own countries and not so much the U.S.. This is stated by one of the activist in Venezuela "Similar events mark SOA-trained counterinsurgency wars all across Latin America. On November 17, 2005 troops commanded by a SOA-graduate killed Colombian Peace Community-leader Arlen Salas David. " Also majority of these foreigners are from Latin American areas.

-S.O.A has helped us gain land Such as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam.

+Yes, all perfect examples of the effects of the S.O.A and after the gain of these several pieces of land we become a Colonial and Imperial Power to the world!! Can I get and Amen; because it really and truly is a blessing.

-Extra Fact: we have 98 covert operations & 12 overt operations -overthrowing Governments.

+Majority from the Assistance of the School of Americas! That's all I'm saying ...

P.S. Now ask your self this question would you shut down the School of Americas? Who in their right mind would??

The Truth always comes up Missing ...

Yellow Journalism also know as Yellow Press:

-"Rangel found guilty of ethics violations" - CNN CLICK ON PICTURE FOR SOURCE.
-the ethics committee chairwoman, found "clear and convincing" evidence of guilt -CNN

The way my example relates to Yellow journalism is it conveys 3 of the 5 things that make a Media file yellow press material. 1.scare headlines of minor news;
2.lavish use of picture(s), 3.use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudo-science, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts .