Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I agreed ... until technology failed!

I’m honestly on the fence with the blogging assessment system (B.A.S), just because there are pros and cons about the blogging assessment system; but since I have to choose. I agree with the blogging assessment system mainly because the fact technology is our future; so we mine as well begin adapting to the blogging assessment system. Also the blogging assessment system is a great way of preparing us for the real world - college - which revolves around technology; but when technology fails to work properly the blogging assessment system is hell to pay, especially if you’re a procrastinator. And when it comes to the Internet it's ridiculous: something is always crashing or down!

Furthermore with the pros of blogging assessment system simply way easier and convenient to do it this way because everything is just a click away. Compared to paper and pen; which involves research you'll have to do out of non-legit text books and eventually end up going to the internet for a sense of direction. So why not just be time consuming and use this technological advancement? Where everything is right there; and you don’t have to have all these materials to get this simple task done. That takes less than an hour to complete. Time consuming like I stated earlier; is something a high school student like myself needs. From my AP and honor classes to my extracurricular activities I am a part of, I need things that are straight forward and to the point. If I get the concept of it I feel there is no need to go in-depth with it - no need for any BUSY WORK I’m busy enough.

Now with the con of the blogging assessment system s: Crashing, the server is down, internet is not working, or the internet is to slow – procrastinators are under a time constraint – is a few of the many bad things about technology. At times the blogging assessment system can be a blessing but then again a pain in the butt. And when it comes to something that is due the next day or even the next period, the blogging assessment system causes for you to wish that , the blogging assessment system was a simple pen and paper assignment; that you could complete right there and then during class; and not have to go through the whole blogging process.

In essences, yes I do agree with the blogging assessment system. The blogging assessment system is a far more educational experience than just writing with pen and paper. Like I stated in one of my past blogs "my learning" is "different with blogging compared to the non-exciting and uninteresting writing with pen and paper; because I just feel that typing is way more convenient than writing." also "it was a far more educational experience than just writing with pen and paper. I learned that I could blog offline with Office Word 2007 – it’s awesome - and upload it later to another computer. I also learned a couple other things just from visiting other websites or links for assistances with my blogging process." So, yeah there may be cons about the blogging assessment system but in the end the pros overcome the cons. I think we should keep the B.A.S around and continue with better improvements and ideas on how to make the blogging assessment system a lot more fun and creative; because I enjoy it more than writing with pen and paper but where’s the fun in this?

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