Friday, December 03, 2010

Black Ops … More like Blacks Drop

Call of Duty, a game I have played before, matter of fact several times before. I found enjoyment in it for one reason and one reason only. Relation – it is a bandwagon; everyone is playing some type of Call of Duty if it's not Black Ops, its Modern Warfare 2, if it's not Modern Warfare 2 then its Modern Warfare, and so forth. Many students at Celebration High School either own or play Call of Duty; and witness the viscous violence that goes on throughout the game; which is why I think this violent video game that portrays war should not be allowed. The reasons I am against Call of Duty is One it's expensive, two it motivates kids in the negative way, lastly the studies that have been done, frighten me and the life of families all around the world; with kids that are playing this game on a daily basis.

Video games can be quite addicting. It is incredibly sad to see so many young people these days hooked on them. Not only are they expensive to buy, but if you buy them, you are basically paying to sit around and rot your brain.

Many video games encourage violence. To make it even worse, the games make these things seem like fun! Kids think nothing of turning on a video game and blowing some guy's head off or shooting one of their own men in a war game. We become little killing machines. When they are that used to killing in video games, it can make "real" death not seem so serious. Not only are the children getting excellent training in violence through the video games, but they are learning to not show compassion for human life. They also don't fear for their lives as much because when you die in a video game, you can restart it. You can't restart your real life, and for younger children, this concept may be harder to understand.

Criminal acts are often thrown into video games. That killing is accepted and encouraged. What does this teach us- the youth? It teaches them that it is cool or funny to shoot and kill people. It is no wonder that the world has become so violent these days. How we think that violence is wrong when we let them sit around and play extremely violent games? I think we should be taught right from wrong and should know that there are consequences in real life for these sorts of actions.Things that would get you into trouble in real life are accepted in video games. You can rob a bank or shoot innocent people without getting into trouble. A 10 year old boy can play a video game, pick up a prostitute, have sex with her on the video game, and then beat her up and steal her money. It's sickening, isn't it? There are no consequences for these actions. Children just see these things as normal.

Not all video games are bad, but most of them nowadays are not good. They are filled with sex, violence, and horrible values. Children should be outside playing and using their imaginations- not rewiring their brains to think like convicts or snipers. If video games continue to get worse, our country could suffer greatly.

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