Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Music is a hidden Message ...

Yes, the media -music specifically does have an influence on teenagers actions; for I am a teenager myself. As a teenager we are easily influenced because we want to be able to relate and fit in with one another; and I say "we" to build up my credibility. But to be quite honest, I hate being compared to others. So, lets just go by "we" but excluding me because to be truthful, I feel that music influenced me in a negative way at one point in time but has revolved to a positive impact. Anyhow, "we" -teenagers go by this invisible rule that says "follow the rules or be consider a 'freak', 'weirdo', or just a complete 'retard!' Putting this huge burden on our shoulder, which forces teens to comply out of fear. And be influenced. The End!

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