Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Sacco and Vanzetti Investigation!

The Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti was a very interesting one to investigate with the twist and turns that solving a crime come with; these "twist and turns" where well set in and deep.
To begin my investigation, I began with the witness -eyewitness Identification for Sacco: Seven eyewitnesses (Andrews, Tracy, Heron, Pelser, Splaine, Devlin, and Goodridge) placed Sacco in or near Braintree around the time of crime. A few other witnesses testified that Sacco resembled one of the bandits, but declined to make a positive identification. Then the eyewitness Identification for Vanzetti:Four witnesses (Faulkner, Dolbeare, Levangie, and Reed) placed Vanzetti near the crime scene. Faulkner said he saw Vanzetti get off a train at East Braintree at ten o'clock. Dolbeare claimed to have seen him in the back of a car near South Braintree Square between ten and twelve. Levangie claimed to have seen him driving a car near the South Braintree station soon after he heard shots fired. Reed, a gate-tender, testified that he saw Vanzetti get out of the passenger-side of the front seat of a car at a crossing near Bridgewater around 4:15.

Next, I went into Sacco's Absence from Work:Sacco was absent from his job at the 3-K shoe factory on the day of the crime. The consulate clerk in Boston, who Sacco said he visited, could not remember him (although this is not surprising, since the clerk sees several hundred persons per day.) Also, Vanzetti's Gun: The gun found on Vanzetti at the time of his arrest (a 38 calibre Harrington & Richardson revolver) resembled one that paymaster guard Berardelli was thought to be carrying at the time he was shot. Vanzetti's gun had a repaired hammer, and there was evidence presented that Berardelli's revolver also had a repaired hammer. At the time of his arrest, Vanzetti said he bought the gun at a store (but could not remember which one) and he lied about how much he paid for the gun and where the bullets came from.

Lastly, I came to the Conclusion that both should be charged and considered guilty because of Sacco's Actions and Falsehoods Suggesting Consciousness of Guilt: After his arrest, Sacco told lies about his recent whereabouts, denied knowing Boda, and denied holding anarchist or radical beliefs. His explanation for carrying a gun at the time of his arrest was implausible. The prosecution suggested that these lies showed consciousness of guilt; and Vanzetti's Actions and Falsehoods Suggesting Consciousness of Guilt:Vanzetti lied about his guns, the whereabouts of his friends, and his reason for being in Bridgewater on May 5 [see also Sacco evidence above]. Vanzetti's explanation for being in Bridgewater at the time of his arrest was weak. Vanzetti probably went to Bridgewater to get Boda's car (the Overland) to commit another robbery. They both were lying about something so I guess yes they both deserve to go to jail. Just because my bias opinion on how much I hate liars and despise them.


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